The Open Scholarship Initiative officially launched Plan A today. Plan A is OSI’s 2020-25 action plan, synthesizing the significant themes and recommendations that have emerged from OSI during it’s last five years of work.
Plan A recommends that the international scholarly communication community begin immediate and significant action to:
- DISCOVER critical missing pieces of the open scholarship puzzle so we can design open reforms more effectively;
- DESIGN, build and deploy an array of much need open infrastructure tools to help accelerate the spread and adoption of open scholarship practices;
- WORK TOGETHER on finding common ground solutions that address key issues and concerns; and
- REDOUBLE OUR COLLECTIVE EFFORTS to educate and listen to the research community about open solutions, and, in doing so, design solutions that better meet the needs of research.
Plan A proposes that while it is vital to broader society to make research more open, our approaches must be developed carefully and in close collaboration with each other. In doing so, we will ensure that scholarly research is protected during this transition, and that it is well-served by the outcomes of our efforts.
The goals and outputs of this plan are designed to inform and align with UNESCO’s efforts to craft a global recommendation for open science by late 2021.
For questions about Plan A, please contact OSI executive director Glenn Hampson at [email protected] or visit the Plan A website at Individuals and organizations interested in signing Plan A are invited to do so at