Helping science succeed
Helping science succeed

Conference presentations

SciELO 2017

OSI provided a video presentation on the future of journal publishing for the December 2016 meeting of SciELO. Both a video link and a transcript link are included below


SciELO 20

Several OSI members spoke at the 20th anniversary meeting of SciELO in Sao Paulo in September of 2018. The video and slide show by OSI’s program director, on finding common ground in the scholarly communication community, are linked below.


Bosch debate

OSI participated in the 14th Berlin Debate on Science and Science Policy in November 2019. Our opening address to the panel is below, along with a link to the event website and proceedings.


UNESCO Regional Consultation

In July 2020, OSI was invited to contribute to a one hour panel discussion about what the future of open science should look like. OSI’s speech and the main consultation website are linked below.


Emerald interview

In August 2020, OSI took part in a podcast interview with Emerald Publishing to discuss OSI Policy Brief 2 on finding common ground, and also touch on themes such as alternative measures of impact, funding and the future of open research.


VI BRISPE Conference

In August 2020, OSI presented at the 6th Brazilian Meeting on Research Integrity, Science and Publication Ethics (BRISPE). The focus of this meeting was to explore the impact of COVID on research and research publishing practices. OSI’s presentation, focused on peer review, is linked below.



In September 2020, UNESCO hosted a global webinar on the impact of COVID on research and research publishing patterns. OSI’s presentation is linked below.


CSE Conference

In November 2020, the Council of Science Editors (CSE) hosted a global webinar on the impact of COVID on research and research publishing patterns. OSI’s presentation is linked below.


CIL 2021

In March 2021, OSI hosted a session at the 2021 Computers in Libraries Conference (CIL). OSI’s presentation was a summary of Policy Brief 4, how we can approach the future of open solutions as a single policy construct.


WSIS 2021

In May 2021, OSI keynoted a panel for the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS). The panel discussed what better ways might exist to develop open solutions.


CSE 2021

In May 2021, OSI delivered the opening remarks for a panel at the annual meeting of the Council of Science Editors. The panel’s task was to discuss the key challenges currently facing open solutions in science.


UNESCO open science consultation

In May 2021, OSI was an invited observer to UNESCO’s policy deliberations on the future of open science. OSI’s official statement for this event is linked below.


CAST 4th World Forum for STM Journals (2021)

In July 2021, OSI spoke at the 4th Annual World Forum for STM Journals, hosted by CAST (the China Association for Science and Technology).


Materials for Humanity

In August 2021, SCI/OSI spoke at the annual international Materials for Humanity conference (hosted in 2021 by the Singapore’s Materials Research Society) on the topic of improving the future of science communication.



In September 2021, OSI spoke on the topic of leveraging digital technology for the future of science as a panelist at the annual International Day for Universal Access to Information, oragnized by UNESCO.



In October 2021, OSI spoke at VI BRISPE Conference on Research Integrity, Open Science and Authorship. OSI co-taught a course on open solutions (with Abel Packer from SciELO), and also presented on a panel discussing the future of data sharing.


NISO Open Research

In November 2021, OSI devliered the introductory presentation for a NISO conference on the future of open research.



In June 2024, OSI delivered a keynote presentation for an IFLA conference on the future of open.
