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OSI news & updates

Research, Funding, Advocacy, and the Communities in-between

The research community begins 2017 with questions. Questions directed at our ability to continue supporting research projects, collaborations, and communities due to potential changes and threats to available funding and opportunities....

‘It is all a bit of a mess’ – observations from Researcher to Reader conference

Danny Kingsley, Head of Scholarly Communication at University of Cambridge recaps an annual academically related, publisher oriented conference held in central London early this year.  The take presents an interesting...

On Preprints, and Beer and Tacos

Scientist and former president of the American Society for Cell Biology,  Professor Ron Vale, tracks strategic efforts to move scholarly publishing forward for cell biologists and readers of the society’s...

APCs and Competition: The Shulenberger Debate

The Association of Research Libraries recently published a white paper by Dr. David Shulenberger assessing the potential impact of a systemwide flip to APCs. Did Shulenberger get it right? Some...

Real World Benefits of Open Access Publishing

This report, which has been submitted for publication to UNESCO, presents a practical framework for understanding the real world benefits of open access publishing. Jean-Gabriel Bankier and Promita Chatterji group...

Open Science Inspires Open Humanities

In this commentary Adam Briggle and Robert Frodeman, who are both philosophers at the University of North Texas, lament the insularity of graduate study in philosophy. Individuals who earn a...

The 7 biggest problems facing science, according to 270 scientists – Vox

Science is in big trouble. Or so we’re told. In the past several years, many scientists have become afflicted with a serious case of doubt — doubt in the very...

Principles of the Scholarly Commons | FORCE11

A major goal of the Scholarly Commons program is to determine whether a set of high level principles that define the abstract entity known as the Scholarly Commons can be...

Joint response on the draft UK Concordat on Open Research Data | Unlocking Research

During August the Research Councils UK on behalf of the UK Open Research Data Forum released a draft Concordat on Open Research Data for which they have sought feedback. The...

New 1science report on average relative citations

Éric Archambault, Grégoire Côté, Brooke Struck and Matthieu Voorons Science-Metrix and 1science, 1335 Mont-Royal E., Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H2J 1Y6 This note presents data from the 1science oaIndx on the...
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