The Open Scholarship Initiative is a global, multi-stakeholder effort that has been working in the scholarly communication space since 2015. OSI’s overarching goals are to improve the openness of research and scholarly outputs, lower the barriers for researchers and scholars everywhere to engage in the global research community, and increase opportunities for all countries and people everywhere to benefit from this engagement. OSI is managed by the Science Communication Institute, a US-based 501c3 nonprofit public charity.
OSI fills the “NOASIR” role for UNESCO, serving as this agency’s Network for Open Access to Scientific Information and Research. UNESCO relies on OSI to support and cultivate the international open environment and connect stakeholders, support research and development in open technologies, policies and practices, defend access to scientific journals to developing countries, and serve as a laboratory for innovation and a catalyst for international cooperation. OSI is also consulting with UNESCO’s Natural Sciences Directorate, assisting the directorate in its effort to develop a UN-wide approach to the future of open science at the ministerial level.
For more information about OSI, please visit For more information about the Science Communication Institute, go to UNESCO’s website is