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Helping science succeed

Report from the Journal Editors Stakeholder Group


The OSI journal editor stakeholder group was diverse in terms of geography and specialty field, with various backgrounds as either editors or in roles working closely with editors. Based on interests that aligned with the majority of the group at OSI2017, we decided to focus primarily on issues facing editors in the Global South. (While the use of the term “Global South” implies nonexistent homogeneity across the diverse countries, peoples, and cultures that comprise the Global South—the countries of Africa, Latin America, and developing Asia, including the Middle East—their editors and journals share issues across borders and continents, so the designation is useful.) OSI should convene a stakeholder group that explicitly comprises active editors at its next meeting to address their issues and concerns related to open access. For this summary, “editors” refers primarily to editors who make decisions on research manuscripts submitted to journals, although managing editors face many of these issues as well.
