Helping science succeed
Helping science succeed

A customized workgroup facilitation training webinar for OSI2016 delegates will be presented next Wednesday, April 13th from 9:00-10:30 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (GMT-07:00). This course will be conducted by Brad Crane and OSI2016 delegate Dave Colgin from Artefact and is open to all OSI delegates. Every workgroup should try to have at least one delegate attend.

To RSVP, please go to For those who are interested but can’t make it on the 13th, the slides will posted online afterward (and you will be notified of the web address on the 13th or 14th).

On Wednesday the 13th, please click here to join the webinar:

  • Meeting number: 733 328 934
  • Meeting password: ynZhCD3P

To join by phone:

Thank you,


Glenn Hampson
OSI Program Director
[email protected]