Helping science succeed
Helping science succeed

OSI Resources

One of OSI’s more important goals over the next two years is to develop (by inventing and also pulling together existing materials) a world-class list of open-related resources for scholarly communication stakeholders. This is a work in progress—some of these sections are still under construction or barely off the launchpad. Help us grow this resource page! Email your recommendations to [email protected].

Issue Briefs

OSI has accumulated a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of important scholarly communication topics.

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News & Commentary

OSI participants are constantly discussing the latest studies and other news of interest. When something bubbles up, we’ll keep you posted here.

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Outreach Materials

Want to help promote open? Here are some good resources, including some developed by OSI (more coming soon).


Suggested Reading

New papers are coming out all the time that add to our knowledge of this field. Read these, plus the classics!

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So many terms are floating around in scholarly communication that there can be a language barrier. Here’s a translation guide.

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Key Groups

Who’s who in the world of scholarly communication? There are many actors—here are a few to follow.


Key Efforts

What efforts are hot in scholarly communication? Here’s a list of some of these.

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