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OSI news & updates

OSI 2020 Annual Report

OSI made strong progress in 2020 toward our goal of developing a workable, global policy framework for open solutions. See the full report for details.

Recommendations to UNESCO on developing a unified approach to open

How do various open ideas and histories overlap---open access, open data, open science, and more---and what might a unified approach to open look like?

Open science roadmap recommendations to UNESCO

Today, OSI released its open science recommendations for consideration by UNESCO, representing the culmination of five years of OSI’s international consultations with over 400 of the world’s top experts in...

Open science roadmap recommendations to UNESCO

Like the concept of open itself, open science means different things to different people. International standard-setting policies need to take this diversity into account if we are to develop open...

Making the case for common ground

It's hard to envision a system more global and integrated than research. For this reason alone (and there are many others), global approaches are needed when we talk about “reforming”...

Common Ground in open research

Debate in various open movements, especially open access, has been anything but cordial over the past 20 years. If we looked at this debate from a bit more altitude, though,...

OSI’s Plan A launched

The Open Scholarship Initiative officially launched Plan A today. Plan A is OSI's 2020-25 action plan, synthesizing the significant themes and recommendations that have emerged from OSI during it's last...

OSI 2019 Annual Report

OSI finalized its action plan in 2019 and is ready to begin a suite of initiatives by early 2020. This report describes what's ahead for OSI, and also provides a...

OSI debates Plan A

Since late 2019, OSI participants have been discussing what our "Plan A" should look like (this is a working title---the final name may change). Plan A represents OSI's first draft...

UNESCO to lead UN-wide open science effort

OSI will play a role in this effort, with our exact responsibilities to be determined (OSI is named on page 3 of the annex of the General Assembly document, item...
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