Helping science succeed
Helping science succeed

Launching Projects

We invent, launch, finance and manage projects that improve science communication tools, practices, and policies, especially those used inside science.

Creating Networks

We unite stakeholders to share perspectives, and work on common ground to develop realistic, sustainable reforms that benefit everyone.

Improving Discovery

SCI’s work improves how science knowledge is shared, which will lead to better science, better science policies, and new and faster discoveries.

2024 Priorities

CDR Conference Planning

Global efforts to address climate change will need to include coordinated global action to remove carbon dioxide from our atmosphere. SCI’s 2025 Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) conference will be the first major global conference dedicated to creating the necessary policy framework for this vital work.

Combatting Disinformation

Working across disciplines and countries, SCI will continue investigating the best way to fund and develop a global Disinformation Awareness Training & Education program (DATE). This program will unite diverse experts and combine their insights into practical and effective tools, resources and networks. 

Open Science Policy

Through our global Open Scholarship Intitiative (OSI) project, SCI will continue working with policy makers from around the world to develop the future of open science, with the goal of ensuring that this future is effective for research and researchers, evidence-based, and equitable.

Newest articles

Trust in science losing ground to partisanship

Today marks the 54th anniversary of the first moon landing. Or does it? Whether you believe in science is increasingly...

ChatGPT and the death spiral of knowledge

ChatGPT will change our relationship with knowledge. But through recursive degeneration, this tool might actually destroy knowledge as well.

In Europe, disinformation is winning

Throughout much of Europe, Russia has succeed in creating political turmoil and discontent through widespread disinformation campaigns.

Is science elitist? Part 2: The dynamics from inside science

Is science elitist? In part 2 of this essay, we look at the dynamics inside science that affect how we...

Is science elitist? Part 1: The politics of perception

Is science elitist? Our opinions on this matter have been shaped by the politics of the last 45 years.

Alt-history in science communication

Fake history is often at the root of disinformation. Is fake history affecting science communication too?

SCI 2022 Annual Report

This report contains a summary of SCI's projects and finances for fiscal year 2021.

OSI 2022 Annual Report

OSI conducted global surveys of researchers in 2022, and used the findings from these surveys to inform open solutions policy...

Findings from OSI’s global survey of researchers

What do researchers around the world think about open access and open data policies? What kinds of open policies do...

Considering evidence-based approaches to open policy

According to the world’s most influential open access policies, only certain types of information outputs are genuinely open. In practice,...